QuickBooks Online Forecasting Tool

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Peaks and valleys may be stunning in their natural habitat, but when they appear on cash flow statements as lumps and bumps, they become worrisome. The worst-case scenarios occur when organizations don’t anticipate them early enough to conserve some retained earnings to alleviate the cash flow problem. However, you can obtain anticipated actual cash flow reports with the use of the QuickBooks Online Forecasting Tool to better plan out the impending issue. The blog provides more details on QuickBooks Online Forecasting Tool.

What Do you Understand with QuickBooks Online Forecasting Tool?

Forecasting financial flows is a feature of Intuit QuickBooks®. When it comes to forecasting and automatic budget management, QuickBooks Online and Desktop’s cash flow forecasting feature is the ideal ally. Once a safe connection has been made with QuickBooks Online, it immediately provides access to analytical cash flow data.

You can predict the future with accuracy while comprehending your existing and anticipated cash flow with the help of the QuickBooks Online Forecasting Tool. You may keep track of the daily amount of money you have available, the ideal time to make payments, and the due date for settling past-due bills.

What are the Two Methods to Monitor the Cash Flow Forecasting in QuickBooks?

Cash Flow Forecasting in QuickBooks

There are two ways to keep an eye on the QuickBooks Forecast Budget Report. They are listed below:

  1. Direct Cash Flow Forecasting: This technique can be used to handle short-term liquidity management. It displays your company’s cash flow at particular dates in the not too distant future. You can run the prediction by entering payments that happen at a specified period of the year and combining it with a time range that shouldn’t be more than 90 days.

Read also: QuickBooks Budget Report Problems

  1. Indirect Cash Flow Forecasting: This approach is employed during the start of the financial year’s planning phases, or close to the conclusion of the previous fiscal year. To project the cash flow, a variety of accounting reports, including balance sheets and income statements, are used.

How to Use QuickBooks Online Forecasting Tool?

The Cash Flow Projector function in QuickBooks aims to provide short-term forecasting. It is simpler to ensure that all employees and costs will be paid in the upcoming month when you have a clear picture of your company’s financial status for the upcoming six weeks.

  • Select “Budgeting and Planning” under “Company” from the menu
  • Choose the “Cash Flow Projector” option
  • Enter the starting cash balance
  • If unsure, try guesstimating the sum or going back a month to get a benchmark
  • Fill out the Cash Inflows section with the expected financial inflows
  • For a fairly accurate representation of your cash flow, attempt to include all potential sources of revenue
  • Add any upcoming future payments over the following six weeks after starting with the consistent income
  • Put your business’s expenses in the Cash Outflows section
  • Don’t forget to include one-time costs that happen every three months or a year in QuickBooks along with your usual monthly expenses
  • See how the cash flow for your business changes over the next six weeks by looking at the report. To see how your forecasts will change after entering data, click “Preview” on this tool’s input fields. When some sales expire, your expenses vary noticeably, or an emergency situation needs higher overhead, you can utilize this functionality to investigate.

How to Forecast in QuickBooks Online?

However, you can use third-party apps or a little assistance from your accountant to generate a forecast on an Excel sheet even when the tool isn’t available, as we described in the section above. Run the Statement of Cash Flows report if you choose the later option. Here’s how to go about doing that.

  • Go to the Reports area from the left menu while QuickBooks Online is open
  • Type “Statement of Cash Flows” and hit Enter in the Search section
  • To access the report and make any necessary changes to the report’s parameters, click the Statement of Cash Flows result and then select “Customize
  • Click Run Report to finish this process.
  • Visit here: Export QuickBooks Excel


Before we wrap up this blog post on the QuickBooks Online Forecasting Tool, we hope you have found the answers to your questions and the best solutions to your problems from reading this blog. However, you can call the QuickBooks Helpdesk Team and get them resolved at any time if you have any more questions about the tool or any errors that aren’t covered here. If you have any specific query, also get in touch with the experts of QuickBooks live chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do We Calculate Cash Flow Forecast in QuickBooks?

You can use the below formula to calculate free cash flow forecast:

Cash Flow Forecast = Beginning Cash + Projected Inflows – Projected Outflows = Ending Cash

Does QuickBooks Offer a Cash Flow Forecast?

You may plan, save, and receive payment all at once using the Cash Flow center. You may use QuickBooks to plan your money, sync your accounts, and even open a bank account.

What do you Understand with Term QuickBooks Forecasting?

To anticipate future income and cash flow, forecasts can be generated using QuickBooks Desktop Premier, Accountant, or Enterprise. A financial projection can be created from scratch or utilizing data from the preceding year.

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