Fix Sage 50 Error Connecting to Database

Miserably, sometimes when a user installs the Sage 50 application on your system and unable to connect to the database due to some internal error issues. The user might be facing many problems while encountering Sage 50 Error Connecting to Database. So, The below information provides all alternatives to fix this issue including causes and symptoms.

Fix Sage 50 Error Connecting to Database

What is Sage 50 Error Connecting to Database?

Error Code: This message Cannot Open Company, there is an error connecting to a database that appears on your screen to gives you an indication to repair Sage 50 Error Connecting to Database as soon as possible. We click here Sage 50 support number.

This usually appears when the user tries to connect the Sage 50 folder which has only the Read-only attribute. All possible causes are listed below:

  • Missing or corrupted Sage 50 file which you want to associate.
  • Connect manager blocked by the Firewall or any-third party software.
  • Disabled log services of the windows functions

Learn all about Sage 50 Company File Check And Repair and how to run this tool to fix database damage.

Solution: How to repair the Sage 50 Error Connecting to Database?

Learn how to resolve this with all alternative ways

Troubleshooting 1: User need to reside the data file in a considerable time on a server computer

Step 1: Test the company sample fist

First of all, open your sample company. You must find this file in these locations Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Simply Accounting\201X\Samdta, Windows 8: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Simply Accounting\201X\Samdat, Windows 7, or Window Vista.

Step 2: If you open your file without any issue, follow the below steps”:

  1. Check and verify the firewall status when your data is hosted in accurate configured
  2. In case, if your company data is saved on a server and what drive. Programs might be installed on Drive C and the data is saved in the Drive D
  3. Ensure about the permission of the saved folder where the data is located
  4. Make a new shared folder and transfer the data into that folder
  5. Permit every user
  6. After this, try to open the data from the new folder
  7. Finally, you can access the data while utilizing the server IP address rather than the system name.

Step 3: In case, if you are unable to open the company file. Then perform the below steps:

  1. When the data opened the file, restart the system where the data is finding
  2. Verify the firewall, if you find any blocking issue then provide them full access
  3. For Windows users, check and correct the configuration properly. If you are still not able to do any work then the issue creates with the Microsoft .NET Framework.
  4. For Sage 50 users who are working on the windows vista/7/8 faces issue due to damaged components in the operating system. To get rid of this check and correct all components

Troubleshooting 2: Check and correct the ODBC issue

  1. Make sure ODBC is installed by clicking on the “Programs and Features” or “Add Remove Programs on the control panel
  2. If you still find the “My SQL Connector/ODBC 3.51” is installed then the issue is resolved
  3. If you don’t find then install the ODBC by browsing to C:\Sage\Sage 50 Accounting <Version>\BIN\MySQLODBC\
  4. At last, run the mysql-connector-odbc-commercial-<version>.exe file.

Troubleshooting 3: Fix the issue, when your sample company after the multiple reinstalls

  1. Default program files installation directory must be matched with the primary drive letter in Disk Management
  2. View the additional information window field
  3. Agree with on-screen guidelines and error resolved automatically

Troubleshooting 4: Check and make new changes in the data file that resides in the C:\Program Files

  1. In the first steps move your SAJ folder and.SAI file outside of the C:\Programs Files\(or C:\Program)
  2. Hit the right-click on the SAJ folder and then choose the properties
  3. Uncheck the checked boxes of hidden and Read-only
  4. Click on the “Security” tab
  5. Must be sure about the Listed user names or groups because they have Full control access rights
  6. Moving ahead to forward and click on the OK button
  7. Now, open the SAJ folder
  8. Stop the filing process
  9. At last, open the file to check whether the issue is resolved or not.

Conclusive Words!

The above information summarizes the all required data to resolve the Sage 50 error connecting to Database. To know more about Sage software, connect with Sage professionals via online services. They provide 24/7 availability live chat service, the link is visible at the right corner of the website.


Q. How can I fix the warnings in the Sage data?

Ans. Here are the Steps

  • Open the file and click on the “Restore” button
  • Browse the location to view the Backup file
  • After finding the Backup file, click on it
  • Click on the specified file and choose the “Maintenance” button
  • Then, check the data

Q. Why my Sage freezing?

Ans. Sometimes Sage unable to open after installing the recent release windows 10 updates. To repair this issue, the user needs to click on the shortcut button. Click on the Properties. Open the compatibility section and then clear the check box to process the program in the compatibility mode. After making all changes, click on the Save button.

Q. How would I disable my Sage drive?

Ans. Open your Sage account. From the company window, choose the company that you are required to delete from the Sage drive. After this, click on the “Remove” button. Then enter login ID and password and click on the YES button to finish the process.

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